Answers inspired by an Open Records exercise from “Healing Through the Akashic Records” by Dr. Linda Howe
I cooperate with the highest possibility of who I am in this life through
o Divine Portal Akashic Record Readings,
o Personal spiritual practice & study,
o And by being the Light that I AM for all to see!
I refuse and resist the Soul-level choice I made to be me in this incarnation when
o I do not exercise, dance, stretch, play & be in my body expressing physical joy and pleasure.
o I don’t allow myself to revel in the abundance & freedom I have already manifested!
By honoring my Soul’s choice to be me
o I shorten the distance between my human self and the perfection that is my Soul.
o Neutralizes the tension, misalignment & disharmony that I feel like “separation” from my
Soul and Source.
An everyday choice I make that honors my Soul’s choice is
o to do an “Awakening
Your Light Body” meditation instead of watching TV.
o This action makes living in the physical world easier.
o Eating lots of vegetable & brown rice supports physical harmony.
o Eating butter and cheese slows down my vibration & causes misalignment & disharmony.
Denial of the Self
o causes separation between my human Self and my Soul,
o loss of spiritual momentum.
Love & Acceptance of Self & my Soul’s purposes creates empowerment, energy & forward momentum.
My biggest responsibility is Owning my Light & flowing with The Universal Light.